Monday 12 October 2009

day 2


Social Media and Business

On 12/10/2009 we have discussed Socail media and business. First, we have got Several different categories of Social Media Websites. Next, we have got basic principles of Internet based community communication. Then we move on to the history of the development started from fixed phone lines. At the end we looked the basic application which runs these social medias which is the web 2.0.

In categorizing them, I would like to present each by each. First, the social network, for example face book, has everything that we need to communicate with people efficiently by combining several different functions of other social media categories. The second one is called the microblogging represented by twiters which enables people to talk with the limited number of words in a quicker tempo compared to blogs. News is also a type of social networks; for example, Digg has functions that enables people to post news and evalute news. This is called news and review type of interactions. Cnet and engoldynet are also great examples of poster and reviewer responsive news interactions. Blog is also a famous social media the origin of the name is the web log which conceptized to open up the log that you made in public. I belive this made postings by individual so easy on the internet rather having own websites altough there are so many trashes as well.
Another category is called Corraborative which directively means wiki's represented by wikipedia. The interactive point of wiki is that "anybody can edit" so that there are simply no seperation between viewer and poster because anybody can both of them on any topic. One thing that I thought is that the quality of information is correct in the most cases; but the focuses of informal veiw point tells us more about how people who are interested in certain topics are focusing on. So, this closely reflects the majority of thinking behaviours in topics. Bookmarking is in a sense closer to wiki's. Bookmarking simply shares bookmarks; so that we will know what people who are interested in a same topic have father in their minds. This facilitates us to the infromation we need by tracking the way took by others. At the same time, we can track the thoughts of people. It is quite interesting; and I would say this should be used in a marketing side activities. Tracking of major thoughts is a staff to be seized.

Rating is also a social media which is populized by restaurant reviews. Reviewing ranking and comenting about a certain staff is also a comunicating activity. The guy sitting next me at the class said that he would like to know any kind of restaurant reviews for Tokyo. I did not answer that question at the moment though; I would say; There are some websites like "tabelog" or "gurunavi" which is providing a service like yelp but the quality of information is quite low and posts on reviews are so cold, and it eventually became some ads of restaurants. So there are none of them you expect. The internet use by Japanese is so passive and shy I would say this is making social media in Japan so cooled down compared to other counties like U.S.

We have got several categories of Social media; so now, what are the principles of that? What are the essential facts that we need to make a social media? One is the social integration. Two is the high accessability which can be attained by technology familiar and unfamiliar users by acheiving simplicities and multi-language adaptabilities. Communicaion directed from many to many and democratization which means no discriminations are also importatant facts. I would say that the most of the facts are nice and reasonable to represent social media; however, multiligual adaptability is providing a problem rather than the benefit. What I always find around social neworks provided in different language is that the social media itself had divided by different cultural groups. Having another language option means having another social media in a system; thereby, the inter-language communiction is not taken place. The domestic style of social network does not appreciate the global potential of the internet. This is a great obstucle for social media for its further development.

Presenting other consepts, there are User Generated Content(UGC), Consumer Generated Media(CGM) and Industrial media. s Industrial medias are run by publishers which means the sources are controled by few people; and this contains the potential danger of hiding information. Recency and permanency are also tough be retained by Industrial medias.

History of Social media starts at a phone line called Phreaking which is to dial 2660-2600 then connect to random other phones. This enabled us to speak over phones with no charges. The free random people's communication is what we can call as the begining of social media. I thought this was like calling a random person on skype. It was quite weird I would say. Then we started the random social networking by comuters from BBS. The BBS is the bulltin board communications for computers which have softwares for it. Nowadays, we can have BBS service without softwares because we have Apps-on-the-web which means the applications we need is provided from servers so we do not have to install applications. Commercial, www, Internet racly chat, Internet messaging and Really simple syndication had followed.

Today, we have websites as social media at fee costs which are like the ones I presented on the categories. The program which enables those websites to run is called the wev 2.0 and this is so basic and essecial for them. Web 2.0 contains AJAX, Usercentered , collaboration and apps-on-the-web. In those, AJAX is totally important in the point that it makes the system highly interactive by dealing with small protion of datas. Small exchange of datas reduce the time consumed for interaction and make communications efficient and intense.

Over all from this lecture, what I thought was that there are so many usuful social medias provided fee on the web; however, Japanese people are not appreciating much of that because of their unfamilarness to computers and networks. Japanese schools do not have certain programs to teach computers; and that contributes to unfamilarness for various social networks. It is true that some people use one of some that they know "quite intensively" but they do not know much about other than that. This is my personal opitions; so that, the real situation might be different from other perspectives though, what would like to say at end is that Japan is left behind in the area of social media conpared to U.S

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